Reel And Services


Exceptional Minds operates professional studios hiring adults on the autism spectrum for paid positions while sharpening their skills for outside employment. Studio artists provide visual effects, animation, and related services to a range of clients including major film / tv studios, small businesses, and EM’s own IP work.


Exceptional Minds Animation Studio is a studio providing short form, script-to-screen 2D animation services and commercial work in the areas of entertainment, education, marketing, corporate gifts and specials as well as animation-adjacent work in illustration, design, editing, and mixed media. With a decade-long history of achievements, we pride ourselves on our talented and diverse team of graduate artists. Our success is driven by our mission to create new opportunities for our artists to shine, build on their strengths, and overcome challenges.

  •  Storyboarding
  • Character Design
  • Prop Design
  • Background Design
  • Layout
  • 2D Animation
  • Clean and Color
  • Compositing
  • Illustration


Exceptional Minds VFX Studio is a visual effects studio providing contemporary compositing services and end credits work for major motion pictures and episodic content. We have a 10 year history of achievement (over 350 projects completed) and a team that takes security seriously (we are TPN assessed). The secret to our success is the focus on our artists – we intimately know and embrace our team’s unique strengths and capabilities, which allows us to create competitive, profit-motive free bids for your project.

  • Compositing
  • Paint Work
  • Digital Makeup &
  • Costume Fixes
  • De-Aging
  • Tracking
  • Stabilization
  • Retimes
  • Keying
  • Rotoscoping

All artists are graduates from Exceptional Minds’s intensive full-time program who demonstrate exceptional creative and technical skill. They are gaining additional experience as they complete work under the supervision of experienced professionals. Please contact us at [email protected]