A Space to Create” is exactly what happened when our friends at Toon Boom asked our graduate artists to produce an original story to demonstrate the animation software company’s brand new Storyboard Pro 20 software.

Toon Boom not only funded this animatic, or “moving storyboard,” but also provided training for Storyboard Pro 20. After speed learning the program (thank you to Toon Boom’s Karine, Stephanie, and Bradley) our creative storytellers and designers in the Exceptional Minds animation studio did the rest.

Twelve artists contributed to the project. Among them were Jacob Lenard, who served as assistant director as well as co-creating the story and script with David Miles and Ryan Oldis. Andrew Turney delivered a “first” for the Exceptional Minds studio, contributing 3D modeling for a scene.

The inspiration for A Space to Create came from iconic space adventures, like Calvin and Hobbes, Star Wars, and Space Balls. SPOILER: The little boy in this imaginary tale engages in intergalactic warfare with his “NemeSIS”, who happens to be… his sister. Jacob Lenard voices the young hero while voiceover artist and his father in real life, Dan Lenard, voices the father.

Thanks again to our friends and animation community leaders at Toon Boom for the inspiring tools, and for the years of partnership with Exceptional Minds.

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For more on our collaboration with Toon Boom, check out their blog here.

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